Selawase Aroid Logo 1 green transparent text

A Glimpse of our Nursery in Indonesia

A close up leaf pictures of an Anthurium BVIT with prominent vein. The Vein is yellowish and orange with yellowish sinus. Background is blurred intentionally which is a logo of Selawase Aroid with white color and dark background. The background has reflected light in the middle which as warm colour.

At Selawase, we specialize in growing and nurturing rare dark-leaf Anthurium plants. Our nursery is located in the heart of Central Java, Indonesia, an area known for its lush tropical landscape and ideal conditions for plant growth. With an average temperature ranging from 17.9°C to 25.9°C and a humidity level of around 90%, our nursery provides the perfect environment for Anthuriums to thrive naturally.

Our experts nurture each plant with care, ensuring they receive the right balance of light, water, and nutrients to support healthy growth. Handpicked from rare and premium seeds, our plants are meticulously refined and cultivated using specific fertilizers in precise ratios along with natural pest control methods to achieve their signature dark foliage and optimal health. Each stage of growth is closely monitored to guarantee that only the healthiest plants make their way to you.

Selawase is more than just a nursery, it is a place where passion meets expertise. Our experts are constantly experimenting to develop new hybrids, exploring unique characteristics and features that make each plant special. Whether you’re looking for something rare or hoping to add a personal touch to your collection, our dedication to innovation ensures that you’ll always find something extraordinary.

Various Anthurium plants are planted in pots and positioned next to each other on the black rubber table with round holes. Anthurium leaves are dark green with prominent yellowish white vein. In the background is the white logo Selawase Aroid blurred intentionally, It has dark background and this background reflecting lights from left and right.